
First Time is always the hardest

Hello. So this is my first post. I had a blog on LJ but well I never wrote on it. Hopefully I'll write on it on this one. Maybe. If I have something to say I may just write. Right now, I'm not sure what inspired me to create a new blog. I'm horrible about checking my email let alone keeping this up to date. Maybe I'll be better at it this time.

So about two months ago I was in a car wreck. It wasn't high speed or anything. We were t-boned by a drunk driver who was busy talking on the phone to his son because he had hit two people before he finally hit us. I sprained my wrist, got whiplash, and injured my back (again but thats a long story). Anyways the whiplash and wrist are under control but the doctors are scratching their head about my back. I cannot seem to escape the pain. Granted, I haven't been painfree since I was 14 but this is a lot worse then normal. I had an MRI last night. I'm not terribly claustrophobic but I am when in really tight spaces. So my doctor gave me Xanax to get through it. Well, it didn't work. The nice MRI guy gave me ear plugs, a warm blanket, and a washcloth over my eyes. I got squeezed into this tiny tube (I swear they've gotten smaller since I was last in one, or I got fatter....not sure) where my arms couldn't even freakin' move. My nose itched like crazy and I had all those noises all around me. The washcloth couldn't block out the sight of the MRI machine literally inches from my nose. It took all my self-control not to scream bloody murder. Needless to say I was shaking from head-to-toe and crying when I finally got out of the damn thing.

Then just to make things worse, as if I wasn't stressed out enough...my mom calls tonight. Now, her calling isn't enough to induce stress since she won't cut the apron strings and calls at least five times a week. But this time it was stress-filled. Apparently my genius of a brother has been arrested for forgery and counterfeiting because he was caught trying to pass off a fake 20 dollar bill. Yeah, smooth eh? It pisses me off so much because he seemed to have been doing so well. He was pretty much clean from drugs (he still smoked pot but I'm not gonna argue that since he was supposedly clean from meth). He had a good job, was renting a house with a friend. He had decided to go back to school. I had just began trusting him again I thought he was going good. And now this, I feel like such a fool. You'd think I would have learned my lesson. Heh. Guess not.

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

wow. Government isn't happy with HIM! Just think of an MRI as a tube of toothpaste. I do. It makes me giggle.